New songs for Music Therapy, Volume 1
A collection of 8 new songs written to help achieve various goals within Music Therapy sessions, Education settings AND at home by parents / carers.
Registered NDIS Music Therapist, Neurologic Music Therapist, Jazz Pianist
To find out more about the Music Therapy services available, or to listen to, stream or purchase original compositions, or to download samples or buy original piano sheet music, follow one of the links above.
A collection of 8 new songs written to help achieve various goals within Music Therapy sessions, Education settings AND at home by parents / carers.
The August 2019 ABC Catalyst episode looking at healthy ageing and how socialisation can impact on the brain. I was hired by the ABC to run a 6-week Music Therapy program for this episode.
A video from Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy Australia highlighting an in-facility program I have setup at an Anglicare Retirement Village in Sydney.
The official video produced by Hammondcare about their Australian-government funded Arts on Prescription project. The project encouraged people over 65 to get a prescription from their allied-health professional to attend a fully-funded 10-week arts project, and was backed by research from the University of New South Wales.
This video from Sound Expression's Awesome Achievement series, presents a finished composition, co-written and recorded with the client.
A brief overview
Music therapy is a research-based practice and profession in which music is used to actively support people as they strive to improve their health, functioning and wellbeing.
Music therapy has been recognised by the NDIS for inclusion in funded support plans under the support cluster of Therapeutic Supports - provided to assist the participant to apply their functional skills to improve participation and independence in daily, practical activities in areas such as language and communication, personal care, mobility and movement, interpersonal interactions and community living.